Stock Number #2043
Parker Majestic 16C Universal OD / ID Grinder
Serial No. 2036-16C-67
Swing Over Table………………………………………………….12″
Distance Between Centers…………………………………………..16″
Table Working Surface…………………………………………5″ x 38″
Power Table with Reciprocator………………………………………Yes
Tabel Swivel………………………………………………..7 Degrees
Table Travel……………………………………………………..24″
Cross Feed Travel………………………………………………3-1/2″
Cross Feed Adjustment………………………………………………4″
Cross Feed Handwheel Graduations………………………………..0.0005″
Cross Feed Precision Dial Graduations………………………….0.000050″
Grinding Wheel Size……………………………………….10″ Diameter
Grinding Wheel Bore Size………………………………………..1-1/4″
Wheelhead Motor…………………………………………….1-1/2 H.P.
Headstock Swivel……………………………………….0 to 90 Degrees
Infinite Variable Headstock Spindle Speeds………………….20 to 225 RPM
Hole Thru Spindle………………………………………………1-1/4″
Headstock Center Taper………………………………………..#6 Jarno
Tailstock Center Taper………………………………………..#6 Jarno
Spindle Motor………………………………………………1-1/5 H.P.
Approximate Dimensions……………………………….69″L x 37″L x 57″H
Approximate Weight………………………………………….3,750 Lbs.
O.D. Wheelhead, Presently is Set-Up to use 10″ Diameter Wheel, 3″ Bore
Swing-Around Internal Grinding Attachment with I.D. Spindle
Tailstock Center and Workhead Center
Parker-Majestic Super-Precision Spindle for Wheelhead
Coolant System, Self-Contained, in the Base of the Machine
One-Shot Lubricator
Acu-Rite II Digital Readout